Qualitative methods have been utilized to identify intangible factors such as culture, gender, ethnicity, and religion. Better understanding of complex reality has been possible through this method by implication in specific situation. Our research topic, “What explains the persistent survival of Jeepneys in the Philippines and do Filipino people still perceive jeepneys as a cultural symbol?”, mainly contains the cultural aspect of jeepney in post-colonial period.
In order for us to solve our research question and understand the phenomena why jeepneys are prevalent in Philippine society which quantitative method would not explain well, three main qualitative methods, participant observation, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussion, will be mainly and inevitably used. These methods would allow us to understand the cultural embeddedness of jeepney in the Philippines after WWII. Furthermore, since the topic is about the cultural heritage and symbol, there is no specific or one answer for our research which indeed would lead us to finish the research with open-ended.
Jeepneys, even with its well-known drawbacks such as main source of air pollution and traffic jam, are prevalent and well embedded in the Philippine society. As a result, it has been survived more than half a century. Moreover, as consequences of several jeepney strikes indicate, the effect of its existence as been essential to Filipinos. Furthermore, even with an introduction of alternative transportation such as Light Rail Transit(LRT), the number of jeepneys has been grown.
Curious of prevalent of jeepney has stimulated us to go deeper in qualitative research in order to identify the factors. Our research with qualitative method would explain the cultural factors in post-colonial period which led to endless existence of jeepney in a nation.
Qualitative Research Method Overview. Retrieved from http://www.fhi360.org/NR/rdonlyres/etl7vogszehu5s4stpzb3tyqlpp7rojv4waq37elpbyei3tgmc4ty6dunbccfzxtaj2rvbaubzmz4f/overview1.pdf